This is the name which this few days always appeared in the newspaper. Why he appeared in the newspaper? Because of he is the son in law of Pak La or he is Umno Younth Deputy Chief?
All wrong, he is the hot topic this few days is because the statement he said on the racial issues. Let us see what he has said:
1. the Chinese community would make demands if the Umno in-fighting continued
2. Malays in Penang should by 2020 have at least 30% equity in property ownership, commercial premises, and small and medium industries, among other things
3. Malay's share should not transfer to others races.
Why he saying like this? In my opinion, he is jealous on Chinese population which more capable and afraid one day we will over taking them.
From the 2nd statement which he concern on Penang, as we know Chinese population in Penang is more than Malay. Thats why he want to protect the Malay Population.
Few weeks ago, The Penang Umno Youth proposal for the Chief Minister's post to be rotated among coalition parties but of course has been put to rest by the Prime Minister. As we know, Penang is the only state which the Cheif Minister is Chinese (Tan Sri Kok Tsu Koon) and now they has tried to change this position to Malay.
Well, if still protected Malay population like this how and when they will growth? If Malay strong enough, why you so afraid on the above issues.
Eventhough you are the son in law of Pak La, pls do think before you come out your words. For me, you just a no brain jumping monkey.